Inspired by China’s leading contemporary artist Ai Weiwei and his politically motivated art installation titled Fragments,

and with the work of German art photographer Sebastian Bieniek and his Doublefaced Girl series.

As a result of close cooperation of members of our ZGAT ACADEMY team,

we tried to transform traditional cuts into seemingly chaotic shapes we called irrational structure.

Our goal was to take traditional or classic shapes and modify them radically in order to blend an old world of artefacts

with symbols of the contemporary, consumerist, new era.

Through our creative process, we wanted to emphasise the chaotic reality we are living in

and the fast spatial and social transformations we are going through.

Modifying traditional shapes allowed us to open new possibilities for interpreting both the present and the future.

The collection is thus a display of playful imagination and ingenuity, using elements that are readily available,

illlustrating the fact that one does need cutting edge technology or expensive equipment,

as the underlying IDEA is the most important element of all.

Cut: Mario Mesaric, Ivana Spicer, Marina Bukovac, Ivan Jagarcec

Color: Ana Marija Baretic

Make up: Simona Antonovic

Photo: Decker&Kutic

Styling: Me and the machine

Products: Subrina Professional, GHD,

All haircuts were done with BMAC scissors.


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